
Baby projects

 I'm wondering if anyone even reads blogs anymore. I feel like even podcasts are going away.  I don't know. Maybe it's just me. But, I'll write this like a journal of my projects just for fun, I guess! I created a baby hat and baby sweater for my granddaughter. I'm too excited to see her in it! It was knit top down all in one piece and the hat was knit in the round. I don't have pics on my computer so I'll have to come back to add those. The color is lavender or lilac, which is the chosen signature color per my daughter. LOL. I had colors assigned to my babies because they were triplets but I've not heard of it for singletons. My daughter is a perfectionist, however, so I will do what I can to comply.

It's been a while

 It's been a while since I've tried to make Christmas gifts. I think it's time. I have a grand baby that needs a sweater and her momma needs a matching scarf. LOL. So, yarn shopping I go. woot! woot!

My new project

 Today I have not done any yarn crafting whatsoever. Today I worked on a new project. Diamond Dot painting. It is a small project to start with small beads, ugh. LOL. But, it's cute and a learning experience, as this is my first one. What project/craft are you learning or would like to learn?

I frogged a shawl! Rippit. Rippit.

EDIT: This post is now 10 years old. It was in my drafts folder so I decided to publish it. This WIP is something I lost in the move so I can't even work on this beauty anymore. :( I hate frogging.  It represents a waste of valuable time and energy to my brain.  As an engineer, I value efficiency and eliminate waste.  This frogging represents a failure on both fronts.  Ugh.  My senses struggles looonnnggg and hard on the decision.   BUT, I kept this WIP around far too long.  I started it in October 2012 per my Ravelry project page.  Gee, I should really look at that project page more often to keep myself on track!  Geepers.  That time got away from me fast! That WIP hibernated in a project bag.  Out of sight, out of mind.    I actually picked it back up a couple of days before I frogged.  I knit a few rows and just wasn't happy with it.  I'm still unsure if it is the pairing of the yarn I was using with the pattern I was kni

2024 updates

 It's been 10 whole years since my last blog post! I may try to resurrect my original intentions here. But, update, I must. Since my last post my marriage of 22 years ended in divorce. I have a new BF and a rental home that is too small for all of my stuff. However, I lost SO much craft stuff in the move/divorce. I lost dogs, horses and craft stuff. That's what I'm most salty about. Not the husband, but the life I built. Sad. Ah well, things will shake out and I'll replace what was most important.  I've been scrapbooking a lot lately. I finished 4 books. One was a Marine Corps book for my Dad, the others were for my kids-their baby books (since they are 22 1/2 it's high time they had one, don't you think?! Haha). Now, the books are not long, maybe 10 pages in a big 12x12 book, but I'm proud nonetheless.  I'll be starting paramedic class this fall. September 23 is the orientation. I still second guess myself for doing it, but full steam ahead. One thi

I wasn't doing SSP right, are you??

So I'm in the middle of a travelling sock.  Late, mind you, so I'm hurrying. You might be asking, what, pray tell, is a travelling sock?  So, I'll digress to explain: The traveling sock is the brain child of Wendy Gaal, proprietor of The Knittters Brewing Company.  Each of those is linked below.  Basically, a group of knitters from anywhere, agree to cast on their toes, fit them to themselves, and then send them to the next knitter, in a round robin pattern.  The next knitter in line does 2" or so, depending on the number of members in the group and the total length of the sock (foot plus ankle height).  The knitters keep receiving someone's sock, knitting their section   in their choice of yarn and patterning, then send it on.  The owner gets their toes back finished into a funky sock!  Here are my finished products thus far: My matchy traveling socks My funky pair I am finally at the point to  decrease the heel gusset back down to my original st

Yarn dying with Kool Aid

I have knit and crochet for years now.  There are two pieces of this craft that I haven't experimented with yet.  I was intrigued, but intimidated by dying.  I have little desire to spin because I can't possibly fit a wheel in my house and I think it will kill my thumb joints, they already holler when I purl. But, in searching for summer activities for my girls, 12 year olds, I went by a little shop in Hayesville, NC called Two Busy Hands.  The owner, Roberta, hosts classes regularly.  My girls and I decided to take a yarn dying class.  Using Kool Aid.  Sounded fun!  What sold us was the vibrantly colored balls of yarn in cupcake paper wrappers that looked so enticing! And, so we went.  Not quite knowing what to expect.  The girls were moderately excited to create their very own pattern on yarn. I was, meh, happy, to participate and learn.