I frogged a shawl! Rippit. Rippit.

EDIT: This post is now 10 years old. It was in my drafts folder so I decided to publish it. This WIP is something I lost in the move so I can't even work on this beauty anymore. :(

I hate frogging.  It represents a waste of valuable time and energy to my brain.  As an engineer, I value efficiency and eliminate waste.  This frogging represents a failure on both fronts.  Ugh.  My senses struggles looonnnggg and hard on the decision.  
BUT, I kept this WIP around far too long.  I started it in October 2012 per my Ravelry project page.  Gee, I should really look at that project page more often to keep myself on track!  Geepers.  That time got away from me fast! That WIP hibernated in a project bag.  Out of sight, out of mind.

I actually picked it back up a couple of days before I frogged.  I knit a few rows and just wasn't happy with it.  I'm still unsure if it is the pairing of the yarn I was using with the pattern I was knitting or if it just isn't speaking to me now, 2 years after I started.
I looked up other Ravelers' project pages to view their FP photos to see if I liked it any better.  Some colors really spoke to me.  Others really had the opposite effect.  So, maybe the drab beige I had chosen really isn't doing it for me.  My parents always wanted to choose neutrals so that a given item, whether it be wall paint or a jacket or pants or a shirt, would match anything paired with it.  But, that thought process only holds weight if you choose other items that are colorful!  I, as an adult, have been attempting to dabble in color.  I like to add color accessories and in small doses, because it scares me now (gee, thanks Mom and Dad!).  But, I love it, on other people.  So, I am slowly coming out of my comfort zone, little by little.
Anyhow, I am still unsure if it is the color, the yarn or the pattern.  I read somewhere that life is too short to knit things that don't make you happy.  I toyed with the idea to give it away, but if I'm not happy with it, how will I feel passing that to someone else?!  And how will I feel while I knit it? 
Nope.  I took the plunge.  I frogged a bunch of time, effort, yarn.  And I felt better.  It was cathartic.  Now, I can work on the other shawl that makes me happier.
This one.  :)  Same designer.  Different colors.  Beads.  Different yarn weight.  Just happier.  :)


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